Crazy Days of Summer Sale

We love a good deal at Park Seed, and there’s nothing we love better than offering our customers the best bargains possible, whether on our quality seeds or garden supplies. There’s something here for every gardener, at any level, and something for every garden.

Items 1-36 of 284

5 (3)
Organic Roma Tomato Seeds
4.75 (4)
Bunny Tails Ornamental Grass Seeds
5 (1)
As low as $3.47
E3 Easy Wave® Yellow Petunia Seeds
Rainbow Carrot Seeds Blend
4.4 (5)
Night and Day Snapdragon Seeds
Waltham 29 Heirloom Broccoli Seeds
5 (1)
Buttercrunch Lettuce Seeds
Buttercrunch Lettuce Seeds
As low as $4.95
Dill Seeds
3 (2)
Homemade Pickles Cucumber Seeds
As low as $3.97 Regular Price $7.95
Park's Whopper Hybrid Melon Cantaloupe Seeds
As low as $4.95
Peppermint Seeds
As low as $4.95
Brandywine Tomato Seeds
Utah Tall Organic Celery Seeds
Thumbelina Mix Zinnia Seeds
Sweet Basil Seeds
Straight Eight Cucumber Seeds
Straight Eight Cucumber Seeds
As low as $4.95
Hale's Best Organic Melon Cantaloupe Seeds
5 (1)
'Mother of Pearl' Poppy Seeds
Danvers 126 Half Long Carrot Seeds
Catskill Brussels Sprouts Seeds
4.65 (3)
Giant Zinnia Seeds - Cactus Mix
1 (1)
As low as $4.95
Basket of Gold Compacta Alyssum Seeds
As low as $5.95
MoneyMaker Organic Tomato Seeds
As low as $4.95
Sugar & Spice White Marigold Seeds
As low as $4.95
Chives Seeds
5 (1)
Whirligig Hybrid Zinnia Seeds
Little Finger Organic Carrot Seeds
Culinary Blend Basil Organic Seeds
4.8 (5)
Kellogg's Breakfast Organic Tomato Seeds
As low as $4.95
Lacinato Kale Seeds
5 (3)
'Heavenly Blue' Morning Glory Vine Seeds
5 (2)
'Pacific Beauty Mix' Calendula Seeds
5 (1)
Nantes Organic Carrot Seeds
Greek Oregano Seeds
5 (1)
Special Price $2.47 Regular Price $4.95
Fountain Mix Lobelia Seeds
3.5 (2)
Scarlet O'Hara Morning Glory Vine Seeds

Save BIG on Seeds and Supplies

This deals section has something for every garden, even for container gardens and ornamental, edible landscapes. And between our mix & match markdown and our seed and supply sales, you’ll find great prices on a wide range of vegetable seeds, herb seeds, flower seeds, and garden supplies, including garden tools and gadgets that can save you time—and even more money.

Take advantage of these savings to stock up on your favorites or to try something new, maybe even something exotic.

But hurry! These deals are only good while supplies last. Of course,  we’re always adding something new, so check back often. You don’t want to miss out on great Park Seed deals—or should we say “steals.”
