
It's hard to beat the simple pleasure of eating a sweet, juicy slice of cool melon on a hot day.

22 Items

As low as $9.95
5 (1)
Park's Whopper Hybrid Watermelon Seeds
Cal Sweet Bush Watermelon Seeds
As low as $3.97 Regular Price $7.95
Park's Whopper Hybrid Melon Cantaloupe Seeds
5 (1)
As low as $4.95
Hale's Best Organic Melon Cantaloupe Seeds
5 (1)
Harvest Moon Hybrid Seedless Watermelon Seeds
As low as $7.95
As low as $5.95
4.65 (3)
As low as $6.95
As low as $3.97
Topgun Hybrid Watermelon Seeds
5 (2)
Sweet Beauty Hybrid Watermelon Seeds
4.5 (2)
Mambo Hybrid Watermelon Seeds
Juane Canary Heirloom Melon Seeds
Special Price $5.97 Regular Price $11.95
Century Star F1 Watermelon Seeds
Century Star F1 Watermelon Seeds

Out of stock

5 (8)

Out of stock

Mini Love Hybrid Watermelon Seeds

Out of stock

22 Items


Distinctive perfumes, flavors, and colors!

Whether you prefer honeydew, cantaloupe, watermelon, or something totally unique, like our cucumber-melon cross, your taste buds will be delighted! Melons are versatile, easy-to-grow, vining plants, with compact varieties for small gardens and even some that will grow up space-saving trellises! Give melons fertile soil and warm temperatures, and you'll harvest plenty of tasty, vitamin-rich fruits that can be enjoyed chilled or straight from the garden!