About Us

Dave and Hauke started the website hurrythefoodup.com in 2014 posting their favourite vegetarian recipes.

They were sickened by industrial farming practices, so they wanted to offer quick, tasty and protein rich vegetarian recipes to make it as easy as possible for everyone to eat less meat.

James joined a few years later as the website evolved to one dedicated to helping vegetarians achieve their health and fitness goals.

James has a Master’s Degree (MSc) in Sports Nutrition, and works as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner in General Practice, or Family Medicine. He has a similar role to a Family Physician, and keeps our website aligned with the latest health and nutrition guidance.

New addition: we use NO A.I whatsoever in our recipes! All our recipes are tried, tested and refined by us (again and again). We do the heavy-lifting so you can do the great eating (without wondering if a recipe will fail or not!).

Meet the Team

Dave Bell, Co-Founder

I don’t believe animals need to be killed for my enjoyment. Although I was once a big meat eater I changed to a vegetarian diet ten years ago and haven’t looked back.

I’m also a bit of a speed/efficiency freak when it comes to meal prepping, and want the food on my plate as quick and easily as possible.

Longevity is constantly on my mind, and I share the recipes that help us get there. I like to focus on high-protein recipes to support my lifestyle.
More about Dave

Dave Bell, Co-Found HurryTheFoodUp

Hauke Fox, Co-Founder

Here’s what I think: eating meat is ok. Yep, I said it. I feel killing an animal for food is ok.

So why am I vegetarian? People, this industry got way out of hand! It’s revolting in so many ways. Let’s do something about it. Even if it’s just avoiding meat. We can all easily contribute.
More about Hauke

Hauke Fox, Co-Founder HurryTHeFoodUp

Podcast Appearances

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As Seen On

Numerous media channels have showcased our recipes and James’ nutrition expertise.

Our Main Contributors

James LeBaigue MSc, Sports Nutritionist

I stayed from 2020 to 2024 with HurryTheFoodUp. I have a Master’s Degree (MSc) in Sports Nutrition, and work as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner in General Practice, or Family Medicine. I fact checked the articles on hurrythefoodup.com and have overseen our courses.

I love helping people with losing weight and building muscle because it’s such a rewarding process.
More about James

James LeBaigue MSc, Sports Nutritionist

Abril Macías, Recipe Developer and Photographer

Hey there! I am a recipe developer and food photographer from Quito, Ecuador. I have a BA in Gastronomy. I dedicate my work in the kitchen and through the lens to explore food from different backgrounds, origins and diets.

My goal is to create recipes that are homely, yet attractive, delicious and have something different and exiting to them.
More about Abril

Abril Macías, Recipe Developer and Photographer

Jansen Schouten, Recipe Developer

Jansen is from Holland and his many years of chef experience includes Canada, Germany, Australia and New Zealand – he’s picked up more than a few exciting ideas and culinary knowledge in his travels.

Check out his Moroccan Couscous Salad or slick Vegan Potato Salad for starters.

Jansen Schouten, Recipe Developer, Chef

Heiko Hicken, Recipe Developer

Hauke’s younger brother. Only 30, but has already worked as a chef for ten years.

He’s the creator of some pretty bad-ass recipes like our avocado mousse and vegan potato soup.

Heiko Hicken, Recipe Developer, Chef

Ece Koprulu RD, Dietitian

I’m from Turkey, studied nutrition in Boston, USA.

Currently working as both a dietitian and content writer. I consider myself a flexitarian as I’m not a big fan of meat and chicken but cannot take cheese, yogurt, and fish out of my life as I love their taste.
More about Ece

Ece Koprulu RD, Dietitian

Our 4 Principles

We want to make sure everything you find on our site – whether it’s a recipe, meal plan, or course – is worth your time. This is why we follow these 4 principles by everything that goes online at Hurry The Food Up:

Happy Customers: We make sure every customer on our site is happy. If we are not able to achieve this for whatever reason we insist on refunding the purchase.

Our Most Popular Products

Our main aim is to help you lead a healthy, long life as a vegetarian, or by at least consuming less meat.

Vegetarian for Weight Loss

One way we do this is by helping you to lose weight. A budget-friendly option to get started is our book Vegetarian for Weight Loss is, arguably the only weight loss book a vegetarian will ever need. It’s available in paperback on Amazon or digitally on our website.

vegetarian for weight loss book

The Vegetarian Protein Fix

If you would like more personal support, check out our course The Vegetarian Protein Fix. Here you can read up on our personal story behind the course.

the vegetarian protein fix course

Vegetarian High Protein Meal Plan Pack for Fitness

Another way is to support you with your fitness goals. For that we created the Vegetarian High Protein Meal Plan Pack focusing on higher amounts of calories and protein.

vegetarian high protein meal plan pack for fitness

You can also now see user reviews about us on Trustpilot! Check out how we’re doing and/or leave a review if you like!


Leave a comment below

Your comments make our day. Thank you! If you have a question, please skim the comments section – you might find an immediate answer there. If you made the recipe, please choose a star rating, too.

  1. Hello,

    I tried to download the beginners meal plan but it wont download? IS there another way of getting access to it?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi, just sent you an email 🙂

  2. Hey…all of you…I love your website and recipes. I’m not ready to go all high protein or all vegetarian for now, but I enjoy my weekly meatless days. The thing is, I like my snacks. I would like to see recipes from you for us “normies’ who want to make a healthier diet yet be able to have some snacks and sweets for when we do not feel so virtuous or just want to celebrate our birthdays with sweet or savory/salty celebration foods. Could you put some recipes together for those of us who don’t want to “blow” the nutrition, but are looking for something for celebrations and events? Thank you for your consideration!

    1. Hi Terri, absolutely! Most of my favourites are right here: https://hurrythefoodup.com/category/recipes/vegetarian-snacks/. I totally get that you still want to celebrate, but also without going too over the top when you’ve been working hard on your nutrition. See what you think of these 🙂

  3. I tried the bulgar with fruit and it was so tasty. Now I’m looking for more recipes. I was once vegetarian but drifted back to occasionally eating meat. I’m sure I’ll find tasty recipes here. Thank you for the interest in our health.

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Teresa! I hope you find a few more recipes that are up your alley 🙂